More free resources:
I don't like making my job easier.
How are you accomplishing anything if there's no struggle?
If I have to create a struggle that doesn't exist, I'll do that.
Time and money constraints are a great way to do it.
- Jack White
You’ve probably already checked out all the free stuff I am giving away on my Resources page (well, not all of it, because I added something new last week on the sly, cause that’s how I roll).
But have you shared them with TA leaders and recruiters who are struggling to hire? Despite layoffs, it sure feels like there’s a lot of hiring going on at companies I don’t recognize. If you think they need to read about EB activation hacks, or learn why the CMO should want to be involved in employer branding, or learn how to make recruiting social content more effective, send them over! It’s 100% free.
***This Newsletter Contains No ChatGPT (duh!)***