One of the (many) challenges in employer branding is that because most people don’t know what we do, they don’t know when we’ve done a good job.
Our work tends to guide, align and focus the work of others, so it’s difficult to know where we made a clear and obvious difference.
Yes, you should educate people on your value, but one of the fastest ways to get people interested in hearing about your value, to make them more interested in being educated is to highlight a win.
You need to learn to take a victory lap.
Way back when I ran teams of employer brand specialists, reminding them that when a client thanked them for stepping up or when a big result came back, they needed to not only highlight it to the client, but they needed to make sure they told me. My job was to remind them to take a victory lap, forward the email to my boss, and copy me on it so that I could start the applause.
I reminded them that they needed to let people know their value.
I say the same to you.
Take your victory lap.
Now, it would be a mistake to copy the “victory lap” from sports. The adrenaline from winning tends towards testosterone-fueled “I’m the best and you suck” thinking, which will NOT serve you.
Start by thinking about the form of the information that the positive result comes in.
Did a leader email you that you killed it? Copy your boss and their boss adding something quippy like, “People are starting to see it!”
Did a campaign you run result in a massive influx of interest? Screen grab the number and email your boss (and maybe your boss’s boss) with a note about how the change you made yielded big returns. Add in what you learned from this and what you’ll be doing with this new wisdom.
Did a hiring manager Slack you and say that the candidate gushed over the videos you posted and that was the reason they applied? Forward it to three other HMs and let them know how much you’d like to create the same experience for them.
Got a great example of a victory lap? Email me to me (or hit replay) and I’ll share them next week!
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